Pachycereus Kaktus

Pachycereus Pringlei
Elephant Cactus
Bildresultat för Pachycereus pringleiKrusbärspelarkaktus
Krusbärspelarkaktus är en suckulent växt inom släktet pachycereussläktet och familjen kaktusväxter. Wikipedia
Vetenskapligt namnPachycereus pringlei

Elephant Cactus ( World's Largest Cactus ) ( Pachycereus pringlei )
Also know as Giant Mexican Cactus, Pachycereus pringlei is a species of cactus that is native to northwestern Mexico in the states of Baja California, Baja California Sur, and Sonora.
It is the tallest cactus species in the world, with a maximum recorded height of 63 feet with a stout trunk up to 3.3 feet in diameter bearing several erect branches. In overall appearance, it resembles the related Saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea), but differs in the fewer ribs on the stems, in being more heavily branched from near to the base of the stem, and in the location of the blossoms.
Large stands of these magnificent cactus still exist, but many have been destroyed as fields have been cleared for cultivation in Sonora.
The fruit of this cactus was an important food for the Seri people in Sonora, who call the cactus xaasj
The flesh of this cactus contains alkaloids, and may have been used as a psychoactive plant in Mexico.
A symbiotic relationship with bacterial and fungal colonies on its roots allows P. pringlei to grow on bare rock even where there is no soil available at all, as the bacteria can fix nitrogen from the air and break down the rock to produce nutrients. The cactus even packages symbiotic bacteria in with its seeds.
This giant cactus can be grown in tubs when young and makes quite the conversation piece. Very slow growing, hardy for zones 9 and above outside.
